Hey Stackzcribers! :) Sip here. Lately, I've been trying to find my motivation. I feel like somewhere in the midst of wanting something so bad, I lost my purpose. It's safe to say.. I've found it again. Sometimes things feel so out of reach that we wanna take the safest and fastest route out.
I'm here to tell you.. DONT DO IT. Look deep inside and find your burning passion. Find what drives you, what would get you out of bed on the days you don't even want to wake up. A lot of people will tell you that you cannot. Believe me, that is only a reflection of themselves. I know growing up, the ideal careers that are programmed in us are doctors, engineers, lawyers etc. If you love that, then do that. By all means, but if that's not what fuels your fire, go figure it out. Go try new things, go see what's out there. This world is so big, there is enough room for all of us. As someone who gets laughed at for loving blogging, it only makes me want to go harder. Because I have something to prove to myself. I can do it. I will do it. Put in work every single day towards your dreams, and it will happen for you. Be courageous. Liberate your spirit. Find what you love, and go after it with all your might. That is what will set you free.
I love seeing people having the courage to go after what they want, no matter the circumstances.
Shoutout to my fellow Kurdish girls, doing their thing! I love seeing you all do well! Halbin💕(@halbintalks) stunning blogger! Must follow.
Alin 💕(@alins.a) beautiful girl with immaculate writing skills.
Kahin💕(@kahinamedy) her makeup work is amazing! Not to mention, beautiful canvas.
My favourite quote of all time :