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Hey stackzscribers! welcome to today's blog post. We'd like to invite you guys on our journey on a more personal level. We come from a surrounding of everything is ready for you in your life. We are supposed to settle, to go to school and get a good job. No one has ever had the courage to chase a dream, where we're from. That is where Naf and I stand out. It was never easy standing up against a number of people to tell them that we had other plans for our lives. We found happiness in this, in being able to showcase who we are, not only on a speaking/typing level, but rather a visual level. Clothing, makeup, fashion and even food (which you will see more of). Even though we found our passion in this, it was still hard to find the courage to actually go through with it. For a long time, all of this seemed out of reach, and every time we tried to reach for it.. it would distance itself a little more. One day, Naf approached me, and I swear she had a literal light bulb moment. "WHY DONT WE START A BLOG?!" A blog fit our lifestyle perfectly, and so here we are. I know it's cliche to tell you guys that anything is possible, but this is true. Naf and I learned that no matter how good you are at something, nobody is going to come searching for you, you've got to go and get it. Your dreams are always valid, find the courage to pursue whatever your heart desires. Don't ever settle, and most importantly; if anyone tells you that you can't, that's just more of a reason for you to show them that you can. This post is dedicated to anyone who's told me and naf that we "can't", I can't wait to show you guys how far we'll take this. "may the dreams you dream today.. be the life you live tommorow" 

The Vancouver sun was giving us LIFE!

My sister Sug caught this photo. Love it! 

We had so much fun putting these outfits together! The pants were super dressy but they were so comfortable. We paired them with these simple slip ons, Nafs were velvet and midnight blue, and mine were white leather, and of course.. a white tee is never a bad idea! 




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